Wednesday, August 27, 2008

He always brings our view back

I have a couple relationships that seem to always be on a roller coaster. Well this weekend one hit the bottom. I spent the next three days trying to figure out what went wrong, what did I miss, how do I fix this. And dealing with the question of do I even want to fix this, trying to let go of the hurt and not let unforgiveness set in my heart. I asked God several time why did He give me this relationship.

Then I spoke with a good friend who reminded me that she is hurting and to let God show me what is really going on. I felt my heart change and then began to let go of the anger and hurt. I have been where she is and know how it feels.

I don't know how to help her or even if I am suppose to. I just pray God heals her wounds and brings her nearer to Him, that He let her feel His love, and that in His way and timing that the relationship is restored.

1 comment:

Tori said...

every situation can be turned around for His glory.

i'm praying for you!