Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Starting next month

Well the test was negative. We are starting on the next month. Amazingly I am not that upset. We have grown this month. Matt supported me so much this month. He strenghtend my faith and gave me hope when I couldn't. My friends were there for me when I really wasn't for them. I realized that although I am not pregnant this month God did amazing things. He reveiled to me how great my husband is and that Matt is always growing to become a better husband and that He has surrounded me with friends that I only dreamed about for so long. My life is awesome.

Whether it be this month or next year I am happy. God will give me my babies. He already told me so. That is all I need for now and I am excited about it. I am grateful that He never lets go of me even when I take my eyes off of Him.


Keri said...

oh Kati, I'm in tears right now. When I read those first words, the tears just started, tears of sadness, Then as I kept reading they were tears of joy, and hope. And thankfulness, that God is always doing something for our good and He know the perfect time. Tears of joy for your babies, I know with all my heart, that you'll get your babies!! I know I'll get to hold them and steal them away. I also know with all my heart that through it all God is strengthening you and Matt for plans He has for you, preparing you for being what He has called you to do. I love these moments when I can look back and share my journey to help someone else, to tell someone I went through that it was hard, and it may have hurt, but God was good through it all.
We never know what God is doing, but always know it's something great, even if it seems so small.

Your faith amazes me, and I know this might sound stupid, but as a friend to another friend, I am proud of you. And if I'm proud of you, it makes me wonder how much more God is proud of you.

Tori said...

you are truly using what one might call a "trial" and turning it into an amazing experience. you will probably never know how much your faith and your testimony will touch the lives of others.

God uses every moment (especially the hard ones) for His glory. and, it's obvious that you have discovered that.

i hope that you are prepared for the celebration on the day that test is positive. seriously. you have a team of friends surrounding you in prayer, in support and adding our faith to yours.

your children are a true promise from God, and resting in that really does make life wonderful.

love you, friend.

Anonymous said...

you are pretty much incredible... if at first you don't succeed try, try again... Matt too! I am so glad that He stregthened your faith and supported you so much. He is a really great man and a great husband! You are sure to get your babies and tori is right, we are going to have quite a celebration when that positive test comes up! Matt and I will continue to stand in faith and in prayer with you guys! it's just a matter of time friend!!!I love you so much!

Heather Harris said...

Hi Kati! I agree with what everyone else said. I love watching you and Matt with Bella -- you're great parents! Bella is going to be a great big sister when that day comes -- and I believe that that day will come!!!