Saturday, October 18, 2008

My view is changing, it is getting bigger. I am realizing how little I knew before and how small of a view I had. He is always growing my view, but lately it is more abundant. I am letting go of the "monkey bars" and trusting God to catch me with more and more of my life. I am a little surprised at how much I still tried to control.

I love this path of growing. It is painful at times, but always worth it. It is amazing to look at where I was when I got married and see how far I have come. I am so grateful that He has brought me through all of the hard times so that I can be here now.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Wow, it has been almost a month since I blogged anything. Everything has been so busy. I keep thinking about what I would do if I knew I had a short time to live. Would I really be this busy? Do these things really have to get done?

Several times today Bella asked to go slide. I had so many things to do that I had already put off all week. I tried to get them all done in time, but at the end of the day it just didn't happen.

At dinner, I told Matt about it and it hit me that I should have taken her to go slide. I drug her around all day, rushing her here and there so that I could get it all done. All she wanted was some "mommy time" and 20 minutes at the playground.

I missed it today. But I thank God that he opened my eyes to it now, rather than when she is 15 and I wonder where the time went. What a perfect time for this book in my life. God definately works it all out perfectly.