Sunday, August 17, 2008

It has been a little bit, but I did hear you.

I am sure You were talking all along, but I just wasn't listening.

It is definately life that I recieved when I heard You.

I am thankful for so much and I do remember Your promises.


Keri said...

It's good to have you back.

I love this.

anna manuel said...

this spoke volumes to my heart, kati. i am remembering His promises, too. thank you!

Tori said...

well, kati, you got the first ever comment from anna!

you amaze me. your heart is so pure, and you are so faithful. thanks for allowing each of us to see the truth of who you are.

He always keeps His promises, and i can't wait to see a few of them become reality in your life.

Anonymous said...

i'm quite amazed too! anna finally commented!
One scripture I stick to all the time, I don't even know where its at in the bible but, it's in there... is, God is not a man that He shall lie.
He cannot lie! He would never ever lead us on. He has so much planned for you guys and I can't wait to watch it all! Love you!